Jiaxi Nie 聂家熹

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  • School of Mathematics,
    Georgia Institute of Technology,
    Atlanta, GA, 30309

  • Email: jnie47 "at" gatech "dot" edu

I am currently a visiting assistant professor at Georgia Institute of Technology working with Xiaoyu He. From 2022 fall to 2024 Spring, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences supervised by Hehui Wu. In 2022 summer, I was a short-term postdoc at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in the Sciences hosted by Raffaella Mulas. I received my PhD from the University of California San Diego, where I am fortunate to be advised by Jacques Verstraëte. Here is my CV.

My research interests lie primarily in extremal combinatorics, but I keep my brain open for any interesting math problems. My Erdős number is 2.


  1. On tight tree-complete hypergraph Ramsey numbers.
    Submitted. (arxiv)
  2. Random Turán Problems for Ks,t Expansions (with Sam Spiro).
    Submitted. (arxiv)
  3. On the Matching Problem in Random Hypergraphs (with Peter Frankl and Jian Wang).
    Submitted. (arxiv)
  4. On odd covers of cliques and disjoint unions. (with Calum Buchanan, Alexander Clifton, Eric Culver, Peter Frankl, Kenta Ozeki, Puck Rombach, and Mei Yin).
    Submitted. (arxiv)
  5. Random Turán Problems for Hypergraph Expansions. (with Sam Spiro).
    Submitted. (arxiv)
  6. Sidorenko Hypergraphs and Random Turán Numbers. (with Sam Spiro).
    Submitted. (arxiv)
  7. Random Turán theorem for expansions of spanning subgraphs of tight trees.
    Submitted. (arxiv)


  8. Random Turán and counting results for general position sets over finite fields (with Yaobin Chen, Xizhi Liu, and Ji Zeng).
    SCIENCE CHINA: Mathematics (2025) (journal) (arxiv)
  9. The Number of Edge Colorings with Small Independence Number and No Monochromatic H. (with Xinyu Hu and Qizhong Lin)
    The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 32.1 (2025) (journal)
  10. Off-diagonal Ramsey number for slowly growing hypergraphs. (with Sam Mattheus, Dhruv Mubayi and Jacques Verstraëte)
    Random Structures & Algorithms 66.1 (2025): e21284. (journal) (arxiv)
  11. Turán theorems for even cycles in random hypergraph.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 167 (2024): 23-54. (journal) (arxiv)
  12. On asymptotic local Turán problems (with Peter Frankl).
    The Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 2023, 12(4): 273-286. (journal) (arxiv)
  13. On asymptotic packing of convex geometric and ordered graphs (with Erlang Surya, and Ji Zeng).
    Journal of Graph Theory (2023), 1–15. (journal) (arxiv)
  14. Odd Covers of Graphs. (with Calum Buchanan, Alexander Clifton, Eric Culver, Jason O'Neill, Puck Rombach, and Mei Yin).
    Journal of Graph Theory (2023), 104: 420–439. (journal) (arxiv)
  15. On Turán numbers for disconnected hypergraphs (with Raffaella Mulas).
    Acta Mathematica Hungarica 170, 168–182 (2023). (journal) (arxiv)
  16. On Asymptotic Packing of Geometric Graphs. (with Daniel Cranston, Jacques Verstraëte, and Alexandra Wesolek).
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 322 (2022): 142-152. (journal) (arxiv)
  17. Maximal Independent Sets in Clique-free Graphs. (with Xiaoyu He and Sam Spiro).
    European Journal of Combinatorics 106 (2022): 103575. (journal) (arxiv)
  18. Ramsey Numbers for Non-trivial Berge Cycles. (with Jacques Verstraëte).
    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 36.1 (2022): 103-113. (journal) (arxiv)
  19. Triangle-free Subgraphs of Hypergraphs. (with Sam Spiro and Jacques Verstraëte).
    Graphs and Combinatorics 37 (2021): 2555-2570. (journal) (arxiv)
  20. Randomized greedy algorithm for independent sets in regular uniform hypergraphs with large girth. (with Jacques Verstraëte).
    Random Structures & Algorithms 59.1 (2021): 79-95. (journal) (arxiv)